By Emilia Klimasara, MISEVI Poland

Today I would like to share with you a story rather than picturing a sequence of events about the beginning of a movement that changed everything. A movement that was a clear sign for the Vincentian Family – It is our time, time for the youth to get involved!

When I recall the beginning of MISEVI Poland during the summer of 2014, the first picture that comes to my mind is this: four girls, not fully aware of what they are going to face. Young idealists, deeply believing the world could be changed, not knowing then that in just a few months, they would be on a plane heading to Fort Dauphin Madagascar. They were working at a local school and a clinic, helping the Daughters of Charity and the Lazarists Fathers in their mission.

The second image is wider, new people come into this picture bringing loads of support to our four protagonists. It’s their parents, colleagues, and friends. It’s strangers, who providentially came across their effort. They all looked at those girls and wondered – “Why? Why are they doing this?” Some of them will join MISEVI, some missions in Benin, Ukraine or Kazakhstan while others will stay in Poland, working every day and supporting volunteers who help in different parts of the world.

After that, I can picture all the people I got to know during my five years of being a member of MISEVI in Poland: the newborn babies I took to hospital in Madagascar, the mothers frightened for their children’s health, the kids in Malagasy schools discovering their talents and abilities, the patients, who after long rehabilitation processes are fully recovered, the Daughters of Charity working day and night. I can see their tears of emotion and helplessness, the quiet talks, the private confessions, the “coming backs” to everyday lives, the dreams that came true. All this, despite being deeply soulful, is the closest picture in my heart.

Why am I talking about all this? Because MISEVI Poland is a compilation of stories, resultant of many accounts, a miscellany of peculiar characters, personalities and tempers. And due that diversity we set off into the world is strong, fitting in; these attitudes help us work efficiently. MISEV Poland is young and diverse however we aren´t afraid of challenges, as we are fully aware of the power of community. The story of MISEVI is the story of people for whom we do what we do and whose good is our highest value.

Today while we hear about the lack of youth in the Church, we want to assure you- we are here, the youth is here, doing our best. Let us fulfill our mission as well as we can. We are certain, that only by working together, inspiring each other, listening to others and sharing our faith and testimonies, can we go into the world and… Share the love, because as our saint patron said:

Love is Inventive to Infinity.